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New to the Website: Half Persian Weave

The number of weaves I have available online continues to grow with Half Persian! I'm excited to have another weave completed with beautiful new pictures and full customization options. Specifically, this is left-leaning Half Persian 3-in-1, which I'll explain below.

First of all, why is it called Persian? There are thousands of different weaves in the world of chainmailing, and many of them are grouped into weave families. Persian weaves are one of these families. The name is a bit of a misnomer however, since unlike the European and Japanese weave families that have geographic origins, there is no evidence that this weave was used in ancient Persia. Perhaps the name was chosen because the region is adjacent to Europe and the the two weave families could be said to have adjacent structures.

Half Persian versus Full Persian. The Persian weave family can be subdivided into full and half variations. Either one can be constructed individually, or rings can be added or removed from one variation to get to the other. Half Persian is so named because if half of the rings are removed from Full Persian in two adjacent rows then Half Persian is the result. Three-Quarters Persian is another weave that exists in the same weave family. As one might except, it can be created by removing just one row from Full Persian.

Why is it called left-leaning? I happen to prefer making left-leaning Half Persian, but the weave can be created to be either left-leaning or right-leaning. The difference can be seen in the image below where both variations are held up vertically. The direction that the rings seem to angle upwards is used to determine the weave's lean or "handedness." Another word for this is chirality. Something is chiral if it is distinguishable from its mirror image. A classic example is left and right hands, and in fact, the word chirality is derived from the Greek word for hand.

3-in-1 Half Persian. There are many variations of Half Persian, most of which are named based on how many rings are inside each one. If you look closely at my weave, you'll see that three rings pass through each ring except for at the ends. Half Persian 4-in-1 is also fairly common among chainmailers, I just happen to prefer making 3-in-1. I've also seen pictures of people making Half Persian 5-in-1, 6-in-1, and even all the way up to 10-in-1! But I feel like the weave is better appreciated at the lower variations.

So check out all of the customization options for Half Persian bracelets on my website. I have all metal Half Persian bracelets and Stretchy Half Persian bracelets that use aluminum and rubber rings. They are found on the Stretchy Bracelets part of my website.

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